I started this section on 8/9/2020.
More will be added as I know they work.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tea:
1 cup of water (heated).
1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (however much you like).
1 packet of powdered apple cider dink mix (use whatever flavoring you like, so long as it tastes good to you).
1-2 cups daily.
Notes: This drink will clean your blood vessels of damaging plaque that builds up by eating foods that should be avoided.
When I worked front desk at a gym, I was told about this by a man who had a stint placed in his neck. The doctor told him he would have to have another stint in the other side of his neck. A friend of his told him to take one month to try this drink. He did. After a month he returned to the doctor who told him he no longer needed the stint. The doctor asked him about it, and was told about the drink mix. That was that.
I've had others tell me:
- This tastes awful. Then don't drink it.
- It's not good for you. Many say this after drinking their 3rd cup of coffee, guzzling their second energy drink for the day, or after eating foods which are high in sugar and fat content. If you are going to scrutinize this, scrutinize everything you eat. If you do, and end up avoiding bad foods and drinks, you won't need to do this.
Don't make a cause out of this.
Either try it, or don't. It's your choice.
It works.
End note: While this is not mentioned in "Forks Over Knives" (a documentary), it is an eye opener that made me upset the first time I saw it. I've been raised to think one way about food. Changing my diet was/is difficult for me. I've eaten a "western diet" for so long. After watching it, I had great ideas for some really good food. Check it out, so you can be more enlightened about the foods/drinks we put in our bodies. Everyone is all in wonder (and not a good wonder) about why there is so much sickness, disease and chronic fatigue. This flick explains it all, and is highly disturbing. I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. This show reiterates the importance of Doctrine & Covenant Section 89. As I watched this show, they are basically telling me the same thing. This show is correct, and was created for our benefit (I've never spent a penny to watch this). Official site: https://www.forksoverknives.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiuuyuPqN6wIV9P3jBx31uA_LEAAYASAAEgJlAPD_BwE